A Transição na Maior cidade do Brasil | Vídeo do Permacyclists
Brazil’s Largest City Takes on Transition – Permacyclists #15
Maravilhoso vídeo feito por Annabelle Vinois e David Meyer do Projeto Permacyclist, sobre a Transição na São Paulo e Grande São Paulo, focando nos grupos do Transition Brasilândia e Transition Granja Viana.“What is it about transition that is so cool? Well partially it’s the attitude. As Isabela Menezes of Transition Granja Viana says in the video, “It’s spreading with such speed primarily because it’s a positive movement. A movement which brings sadness and suffering isn’t sustainable.” It’s a simple idea, but it’s so powerful, so true. People are sick of hearing about how hopeless and awful the future is, they’re tired of being told that corporations control their lives – they know all that already.””